
Jonathan, Age 12

After 2 sessions started showing more independence and willingness to go out of his comfort zone. After 6 sessions, this boy went from 56 lbs to 62 lbs. Bonus: he started smiling all of the time.

Don’t Grow Old

I found the following and couldn’t resist sharing it. When I give seminars on Motivational Gifts, I always tell people to write down what they wanted to do when they were five, then when we finish, I ask them to see if their gifts match up to that five year old dream. I think …

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Why haven’t I heard about Neurofeedback before?

Most people who learn about Neurofeedback come about it through some sort of an association to a psychologist or special needs forum. Most people – even those suffering with physical or mental needs – aren’t aware it exists. It seems to be stuck in the quiet corners of doctors offices. This is so unfortunate. It …

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To Direct or to not-direct…Let’s get the answer

Neurofeedback comes in two primary forms: Directed and Non-Directed. Directed systems utilize a brain scan to determine which areas are needing most attention and then the neurofeedback is set up to target those areas directly. Non-Directed systems, like NeurOptimal® brain training, do not require a brain scan as they allow the brain to ‘choose’ which …

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Who Can Use Brain Training?

In short, Everyone. Ok. That’s it. Post over. 🙂 Just kidding. Let me give you a few more details by telling you what brain training does in your body. When someone starts training their brains, they may find changes that happen to other people and some unique to them. When I had my first session, …

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My Philosophy

My name is Hannah Silva. Brain Builder Clinics was designed to share what I know and what I’m learning about how we show up in the world and what is behind behavior and communication. After living life wishing I was ‘more’, I discovered Motivational Gifting.  It opened my eyes to who I am and that …

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Joseph, Age 8

Before NeurOptimal, my son couldn’t draw well at all. These pictures were drawn on the same day, August 31, 2019.  They are of the same character.

Mom, Age 47

After my first session, I actually felt calmer.  I was watching my son throw a fit and the normal heightened emotions just weren’t there.  It was like I was watching a movie.  The calmer I became, the calmer he became.