My Philosophy

My name is Hannah Silva. Brain Builder Clinics was designed to share what I know and what I’m learning about how we show up in the world and what is behind behavior and communication.

After living life wishing I was ‘more’, I discovered Motivational Gifting.  It opened my eyes to who I am and that it is enough to be me.  I started to see others with new eyes, accepting what I saw instead of pushing for something different.

As life went on, I started learning about the body and how it is properly nourished and how your nutrition can affect your personality, who you are.

Now, I’m learning about the brain…discovering that often what we see in behavior isn’t personality, maybe not nutrition, but often a display of the brain’s internal state.  I’ve come to understand the power of training the brain to help it function optimally.

Training the brain…feeding our physical bodies what they need…understanding how God has created our individual makeup…these are the key elements to harmonious and fully productive living.

Three Areas
1. Soul:
Who we are at our core determines how we show up in this world – our interests, reactions, careers, but mostly how we relate to others.
Motivational Gifts are like the thumbprint of the soul or SoulPrints – no two people have ever been or ever will be alike.

2. Body:
To quote “The Princess Bride”, “If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything”. To experience this world with dis-ease ensures you are hampered and never bringing your best self to the table. With proper energy and vitality you are ahead of the game and have the energy for every area of your life.

3. Mind: 
The mind governs all – our physical body is limited by our minds, our social being is limited by the mind, our choices are governed by our minds.

My focus is utilizing neurofeedback to train the brain and allow the mind, and thus your WHOLE self, to function at its best.​

Discover with me what sets you apart!

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