Brain Builder Clinics

Don’t Grow Old

I found the following and couldn’t resist sharing it. When I give seminars on Motivational Gifts, I always tell people to write down what they wanted to do when they were five, then when we finish, I ask them to see if their gifts match up to that five year old dream. I think …

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Why haven’t I heard about Neurofeedback before?

Most people who learn about Neurofeedback come about it through some sort of an association to a psychologist or special needs forum. Most people – even those suffering with physical or mental needs – aren’t aware it exists. It seems to be stuck in the quiet corners of doctors offices. This is so unfortunate. It …

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To Direct or to not-direct…Let’s get the answer

Neurofeedback comes in two primary forms: Directed and Non-Directed. Directed systems utilize a brain scan to determine which areas are needing most attention and then the neurofeedback is set up to target those areas directly. Non-Directed systems, like NeurOptimal® brain training, do not require a brain scan as they allow the brain to ‘choose’ which …

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My Philosophy

My name is Hannah Silva. Brain Builder Clinics was designed to share what I know and what I’m learning about how we show up in the world and what is behind behavior and communication. After living life wishing I was ‘more’, I discovered Motivational Gifting.  It opened my eyes to who I am and that …

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Mom, Age 47

After my first session, I actually felt calmer.  I was watching my son throw a fit and the normal heightened emotions just weren’t there.  It was like I was watching a movie.  The calmer I became, the calmer he became.

Brain Builder Clinics

I’m so glad you stopped by my site. I am committed to helping families build better brains. While my focus is on neurofeedback with NeurOptimal, I will have suggestions of products, stories, and general interest items in the blog area. Thank you for coming – I hope you enjoy!